SSRS Certificate Not Binding


SQL Server 2012 R2

SQL Server 2012 R2 Reporting Services (SSRS)

Skype for Business Server 2015


During a deployment of Skype for Business Server , we were deploying the monitoring server reports. Before doing so we needed to assign the certificate to the SSRS server. The DBA had already assigned a certificate but it was not the correct one, so we requested the new certificate and installed it on the SSRS server, when we went to select the new certificate from the drop down list we received the following error:

“Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.WMIProviderException: An SSL binding already exists for the specified IP address and port combination. The existing binding uses a different certificate from the current request. Only one certificate can be used for each IP address and port combination. To correct the problem, either use the same certificate as the existing binding, or remove the existing SSL binding and create a new binding using the certificate of the current request.”


In order to resolve the issues we had to remove the error manually using the netsh command:

  • We opened the command prompt as Administrator privileges and type the following command: netsh http delete sslcert ipport=[::]:443
    • We then received the confirmation “SSL Certificate successfully deleted”
  • If you do not then you can try: httpcfg delete ssl /i
    • You should receive the confirmation : HttpDeleteServiceConfiguration completed with 0
  • If not you can ignore as long as the logging says it removed the certificate

We then browsed back to the SSRS Configuration Manager and assigned the new SSL certificate we requested.

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